Unique Set Of Laser Engraved And Hand Stamped Wooden Business Cards
Adam Glucksman is a motion designer and when it came to coming up with a unique idea for his own set of business cards he incorporated his own skill into the process fully. Within the set of cards each one is unique and has a laser etched image on the front of one frame from a short video that Adam created. There are 720 cards and after the whole set was painstakingly created Adam then went about photographing each one individually and assembling the photos into the video itself, completing the cycle of the design. The backs of the cards have Adam's details printed on them using a custom stamp, so that he was able to make all of the cards himself. Each card has also been numbered individually according to which frame in the film that the card represents and the link to the video has been included amongst the details to encourage people to view it where they can complete the cycle of the design by seeing their card as part of the film.
For Adam Glucksman