Slick Black And White Letterpress Business Card
A black and white theme for a business card is a great way to keep the design slick and uncluttered. This card has been letterpress printed by specialist letterpress printers Studio On Fire. The card has been duplexed, meaning that sheets of white card have been pasted to sheets of black card to create a thicker cardstock which is black on one side and white on the other. Studio On Fire like to do this themselves so that they can have more control over the texture and colours of the cardstock they use, rather than relying on the limited types of commercially available duplexed stocks. The business information has been printed in silver ink and interestingly this is also the case for the black-on-black logo on the front of the card. Using silver ink on black gives a subtle effect and it may look like the logo has been blind printed but the silver ink just makes the logo stand out a little more.
For The Thorburn Group