Minimalist Design Super Thick Edge Painted Business Card
These cards have a great minimalist design using the excellent typography of the company logo on the front of the card in a black-on-black style. The printing on the card has been done via block embossing in black and white and although the cards appear to have been edge painted in hot pink you may need to look a little closer! The cards are actually triplexed, which means that three layers of paper have been laminated together to make one much thicker card stock. In this case, a hot pink paper has been sandwiched between the outer layers of charcoal grey. When you look at the edges you can see the striped effect this gives, especially when the cards are stacked. Each layer of paper was 250gsm, leading to a final thickness of 750gsm - very chunky, substantial cards which really show off the edge effect!
By Analogue
For Analogue