Cool Gameboy Style Tetris Playing Business Card
Interactive business card designs are always memorable and attention grabbing but this one really takes it up an extra level. Kevin Bates used his skills as a technical designer to create a business card for himself which you can play Tetris on. It's the size of a standard business card and no thicker than many of the high end cards which are made of thick card stocks. He used an Arduino board, an OLED screen, piezo speakers and capacitive input buttons, soldered them together and put it all into a printed card stock shell which has a design reminiscent of an old Gameboy. This certainly isn't the type of card you can easily have mass-produced - each card is carefully put together by hand and since they're quite small this is a fiddly process. Still, they've gained their owner quite a bit of fame and you can even buy a card from him. The battery power in the card is good for nine hours of continuous Tetris fun.
By Kevin Bates
For Kevin Bates