Boldly Coloured Bright Red Textured Letterpress Business Card Design
These cards were printed for a company which already had a great logo with a bold red and white colour scheme. The cards would have looked good printed with the standard sorts of printing methods but who wants 'good' when you can have 'awesome'? They opted for having the cards printed through a specialist letterpress printing studio which allowed for some extra touches to be added to the cards to bring them into the 'awesome' league. The front of the cards has been printed with a flood of bright red ink leaving just the logo unprinted on the thick white cotton card stock. Flood printing is actually quite tricky and it can be difficult to get a nice crisp result, however an experienced printer can pull it off as has happened here. To really bring the cards to the next level a blind deboss was used to overlay the texture of geometric lines on the front of the card, making them not just great to look at but lovely to feel and hold.
For Fuzz