Unusually Shaped Custom Die Cut Business Card
This business card has a unique shape which has been created via a custom die-cut. Once, this was a very expensive process but it's become much more affordable in recent times. The bright logo illustration with its unusual shape is very striking and eye-catching. The lime green colour scheme has been carried over to the back of the card with a bespoke typeface picked out in a contrasting colour. One lesson the designer of the card learned from this process however, was to be careful to make sure enough contrast is present to make type legible. The white lettering of the company details looked good on the screen before printing but the differences between screen and print caused a loss of contrast in the final product. The designer and owner of the cards was happy with the final product but says he'd add a little more contrast between the background colour and the white text if he was doing another print run.
Design by Uncle Pear
For Uncle Pear