Textured Hand Stamped And Letterpress Business Card For A Photographer
A two step process was needed to create these lovely, whimsical business cards for a photographer. The front of the cards was printed in silver metallic ink onto an unusual dark brown wood textured card stock. Letterpress printing was used to do this - the deep impression from the letterpress made sure that the logo was printed fully into the textured paper. The metallic inks used in this process are not highly shiny but instead have a matte appearance which suits the woodsy feel of the card stock. The backs of the cards were printed separately on plain white card stock and were created by hand stamping the information with a custom made stamp. Finally, the two card stocks were laminated together in a process called duplexing which gives the cards a beautiful two toned edge as well as a heftier, more solid card.
Design by Sweet Peony Press
For Fox Rain