Clever Glow In The Dark Business Card For A Design Company
The Mbamoe Vectory is a design company whose motto is 'We Live After Midnight' owing to their tendency to work on into the wee hours of the morning once the creative juices are flowing. With this motto in mind a glow in the dark business car suits the business very well, with the card coming to life when the lights are off. With the lights on you can see the company motto and on the back of the card their contact details are always easy to read. In the dark the design and logo now reveals itself so that you can see how their creativity grows in the late hours. Cleverly, the contact details are still visible even in the dark since it's always important to communicate this on a business card! The glow-in the -dark effect has been achieved by having cards printed with phosphorescent ink.
For The Mbamoe Vectory